Update Image, Capture Screengrab And Save To Disk Using Javascript
Refresh Image Src content and Stop the refreshing Hi, i have a function that refresh the 'src' attr every second. , now i want when i click button stop, it will stop the interval,
Solution 1:
Canvas2Image plugin might help you.
Using the HTML5 canvas element, you can create all sorts of cool graphics client-side on the fly using Javascript. However, the canvas image cannot (in all browsers) simply be saved to disk as any other image.
Luckily there is a neat function on the the canvas object called toDataURL(). This functions encodes the image data as a base64 encoded PNG file and returns it as a data: URI.
To work in IE you'll need a canvas support library such as http://excanvas.sourceforge.net/
Also check out this question.
Refreshing image is simple:
//Declare array of imagesvar images = ['http://www.creativereview.co.uk/images/uploads/2012/10/1_press_image_l_for_the_lol_of_cats_l_maru_0.jpg',
var loop = 0;
//This function will refresh image on specified interval functionrefreshImages() {
$('#myimage').attr('src', images[loop]);
if (loop === images.length) {
loop = 0;
//Set Refresh time herevar setInt = self.setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
//This button stops the image refreshing
$('#stop').click(function() {
setInt = window.clearInterval(setInt);
//Add image capture code here
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