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React Native: Child Listview Will Not Update After Element In Parent Is Changed

I can't seem to get my ListView to update. I have a parent container with a toggle switch (). When the user clicks that toggle switch I'd like the ListVi

Solution 1:

Actually, there's something wrong in the way you set your dataSource, in your constructor, you set it for the first time with: new ListView.DataSource({}) (this should not be changed later, because this is just kind of dummy thing, no data passed to it yet)

However, later you reset that state with : dataSource: this.state.dataSource.cloneWithRows(reservationData.previous)

=> (Here it has the cloneWithRows, so it will have data now => which means the this.state.dataSource "dummy-frame" itself has been changed, and the next execution of .cloneWithRows will fail - will not have the .cloneWithRows function anymore)

======> SOLUTION:

In my opinion, you can do:

In cardList.js:

// Put the data-source ds here, which won't be changedvar ds = newListView.DataSource({rowHasChanged: (row1, row2) => row1 !== row2});

classCardListextendsReact.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      reservationListStatus: this.props.reservationListStatus,
      dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(/* PUT YOUR INITIAL reservationData, OR JUST a blank array '[]' will be fine*/),

..and later on, you just need to use ds.cloneWithRows(YOUR_NEW_RESERVATION_DATA) (always keep the ds unchanged), something like this:

  getReservationData() {
    if ( this.props.reservationListStatus === "Previous Reservations" ) {
        dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(reservationData.previous)
    } else {
        dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(reservationData.current)

That is the way you should do, but if it doesn't work yet, please post here some errors you encounter, thanks

Solution 2:

Try adding componentWillReceiveProps to your child component. It would look something like this:

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (this.props.options !== nextProps.options) {
      this.setState({ reservationListSelectedOption: nextProps.options[0] });

Solution 3:

Actually I found a solution, thanks to both thinhvo0108 and Matt Aft for helping me get there.

Here is my revised componentWillReceiveProps function, which combined with fixed dataSource is now updating the ListView correctly:

componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {
  if ( nextProps.reservationListStatus === "Past Reservations" ) {
      dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(reservationData.previous)
  } else {
      dataSource: ds.cloneWithRows(reservationData.current)
  console.log( 'nextProps.reservationListStatus: ' + nextProps.reservationListStatus );

I updated my gist as well with the working code:

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