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How Do I Update The State (using Reactjs) If I Should Not Call Setstate In Componentwillupdate?

When I setState in componentWillUpdate, componentWillUpdate runs in an infinite loop that doesn't stop getting triggered. This never gives my render a chance to reflect my changes.

Solution 1:

First thing to do is to check official documentation for this method (link). Where you can read when the function is actually called.

Then read common mistake(note):

You cannot use this.setState() in this method. If you need to update state in response to a prop change, use componentWillReceiveProps instead.

You change the state and React automatically calls componentWillUpdate.

Solution 2:

I understand this is cautioned against in the guide but I am not sure I can see the problem with calling setState from within componentWillUpdate. True, it may result in infinite recursion unless of course you provide a bottom to that recursion (a way to break out of it). E.g. a way could be to check the second (nextState) parameter in componentWillUpdate and not invoke setState again if some condition is met (which is when the recursion ends).

As a minimal example, imagine a component that has no properties at all, only two pieces of state. Further imagine that the second piece of state is asynchronously obtained from the first. E.g. the first piece of state could be some parameter to provide to an Ajax call, and the second piece of state is the result of that call. So basically you call this.setState to configure the parameters and then inside componentWillUpdate you can do something like the following (to keep things simple I use a window.setTimeout as a placeholder for an Ajax call):

constComponentWithAsyncState = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function() {
        return {
            ajaxParams: '',
            ajaxResult: ''
    setAjaxParams: function(params) {
        this.setState({ajaxParams: params});
    componentWillUpdate: function(_, nextState) {
        if (nextState.ajaxParams!=this.state.ajaxParams)
            window.setTimeout(functionimagineThisIsAjax() {
                this.setState({ajaxResult: `result from ${nextState.ajaxParams}`});
            }.bind(this), 2000);

When, (e.g. through some controls managed by this component) the ajaxParams change, the sequence of actions will be something like (where ~~> denotes asynchronicity):

setAjaxParams --> this.setState --> componentWillUpdate ~~> imagineThisIsAjax --> this.setState --> componentWillUpdate

I.e. the second call to componentWillUpdate will not result in a further this.setState and thus the recursion will end there.

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