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How To Dispatch In Useeffect?

I tried to set a state using useState inside useEffect with no problem, code as follows: Now I'd like to do the same thing but with useReducer, I tried to modify the above code to

Solution 1:

You're setting the reducer with the same state property as it was before in this case you're basically doing:

title: state.title

And since your default state is a title with an empty array value you're not changing anything.

You need to use the action argument in your reducer to accomplish what you want:

const bannerReducer = (state, action) => {
 switch(action.type) {
   return {
    title: action.title

And your dispatch should be something like this:

dispatch({type: 'setTitle', title: response.title});

Solution 2:

Your useReducer call is not inside the function, therefore doesn't get attached to it. Call it like this:

constBanner = () => {
  const [title, setTitle] = useState([]);
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(bannerReducer, {title: []});

  useEffect(() => {
    asyncfunctionfetchData() {
      const api = 'some api url';
      let response = awaitfetch(api);
      response = await response.json();
      dispatch({type: 'setTitle', response.title});
  }, []);

Also keep in mind that your useEffect runs every time the Banner function gets called. Consider adding a dependencies array as stated here in the hooks tutorial:

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