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Is There Any Way To Automatically Bridge A Javascript Library To Gwt?

I need to bridge a fairly procedural Javascript library consisting of some .js files containing functions to call from GWT. There's already a nice utility called GWT-Exporter that

Solution 1:

This sounds like a job for JSNI.

If you know which functions you would like to call, it's fairly easy to set up a single utility class that contains static methods representing the functions in question.

Say you have a JavaScript library where you want to have the functions foo() and bar(number) exposed to your GWT application. You'll want to do the following.

  1. Put the JavaScript library in your war directory. (Not needed if externally hosted.)
  2. Include the script by adding a <script> tag to your host page
  3. Create the utility class


publicfinalclassLibraryName {

        $; // Use $wnd instead of window in JSNI methods

    publicstaticnativevoidbar(double number)/*-{


For a more in-depth article about JSNI, take a look at

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