Play Framework: Controller Action Runs Every Load
Solution 1:
A little explanation:
When writing in your Scala view and you say
It runs the function generateExcel
in controller Application
What to do
You don't want it to run the function immediately. You want it to go there onClick
So use
This outputs a link to that function
However for this to work there has to be a (GET) link to that function in your routes
Add this to routes
GET /whatever/:thing controllers.Application.generateExcel(thing: List<path.InfoObject> list)
This is a bad idea.Why? Because putting your entire list in a URL just isn't nice.
- Do you ever see a complex list in a URL
- URLs have to be less than 2000 characters
Send the list as a POST data. Depending on how you take in your data you'll have to figure it out
Solution 2:
If you are trying to just call a controller when clicking on a button, you could try :
I don't think you need javascript here (if I understood your situation).
Edit: The idea of this answer is to say that the less javascript in your page, the better.
Edit2 : Can't comment the discussion below, so I put it here: As I said here : link, your have to declare your object like this :
controllers.Application.method(list : java.util.List[your.package.Infoobject])
Replace your.package
with the package in which your object is (maybe models
But you will get an errror : No QueryString binder found for type
This is because you can only put Strings and numerals in URLS, so the framework tells you to transform your Object (List) in a String (with the QueryStringBinder).
Solution 3:
I would call routes-> /generateExcelReport from the button/link and make it return the file
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