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Angularfire Route Resolution

I'd like to have my angularFire collection resolve on route loading. Something like: App.config ($routeProvider, angularFireProvider) -> $routeProvider.when '/test', templ

Solution 1:

I'm not exactly sure why you want the collection to resolve on route loading, as opposed to in the controller - could you elaborate? For example, the following would work too:

App.config ($routeProvider, angularFireProvider) ->
  controller: 'TestCtrl'functionTestCtrl($scope, angularFire) {
  angularFire("https://<example>", $scope, "collection").
    then(function() {
      // The collection has been resolved and available in $scope.collection

Is it mainly a matter syntactic convenience or am I missing functionality you want in the above?

Update: For the value to be resolved before the $routeChangeSuccess event is fired:

App.config(['$routeProvider', 'angularFire', function($routeProvider, angularFire) {
   $routeProvider.when("/test", {
     templateUrl: 'views/test.html'controller: 'TestCtrl',
     resolve: {collection: angularFire("https://<example>")}

 functionTestCtrl(collection) {
   // collection has already been resolved to its value.

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