Firebase: Howto Update The Value Item Of A Record Without Knowing Its Unique Id?
So, I have a firebase structure as follows: 'Posts' : { '0' : { 'code': 12345TG4 'Likes' : 59 }, '1' : { 'code': RT560451 'Likes' : 12 } } Ideally
Solution 1:
As Doug commented and Rodrigo showed, you'll have to first query for the item based on its code, before you can update it:
var ref = firebase.database().ref();
ref.child("Posts").orderByChild("code").equalTo("12345TG4").once("value", function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(child) {
Change your model
Although the above will work, you should consider why you're storing your posts under an array index, then they also have a unique ID already. It is more idiomatic in NoSQL solutions such as Firebase to store the posts under the code:
Which you'd update with:
ref.child("Posts").child("12345TG4").update({ Likes: 74 });
Or even:
And then:
Solution 2:
Try to do this.
varref = firebase.database().ref("Posts");
ref.orderByChild("code").on("child_added", function(snapshot) {
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