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Binding Methods In React Components

I'm getting an error when I try to bind values to the component function handleInput: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bind' of undefined However, when I insert the input

Solution 1:

You can only write valid HTML when generating Html from a string with react.

<input type='text' onInput=this.handleInput.bind(this, id)/> is not valid: onInput is not a HTML valid props

Generating a jsx string to HTML with react is a special case requiring babel.

I don't think you'll be able to insert jsx string in a component on the fly using a string but there is may be another solution. Split your string into an array and replace matching string by not a string code "<../>" but by a jsx element <...>. This jsx element will have the function binding as wanted to your component. I found a similar solution here: Replace part of string with tag in JSX

Solution 2:

There is a proper way to render a string with react:

Use dangerouslySetInnerHTML to inject HTML as a string in React. Subject is treated here


Solution 3:

You can set the bind key word at the end like below instead of the example you have given.


or just call this method here and bind it at the constructor level.


constructor() {

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