Jquery Filter Script Not Ignoring Diacritics And Not Highlighting String Matches As User Enters Filter Text Into Text Input Field
Solution 1:
With jquery.highlight.js
installed on the page ...
change :
$group.find(".filter-count-tr").text("(" + $s.show().length + ")");
to :
$group.find(".filter-count-tr").text("(" + $s.show().unhighlight().highlight(val).length + ")");
However, the accent-insensitivity code below modifies this.
Accent Insensitivity
This seemed almost impossible but I had a breakthrough on finding this which indicates how the hightlight
plugin might be modified to offer accent-insensitive highlighting.
To better understand the code, I refactored it into a better plugin (better for me anyway). It now puts no members into the jQuery
namespace (previously one) and one member into jQuery.fn
(previously two). With the new plugin, setting and unsetting highlights is performed as follows:
$(selector).highlight('set', words, options);
$(selector).highlight('unset', options);
Explanations and further examples are provided with the code (see below).
The 'set' settings include an '.accentInsensitive' option, which operates (I regret) on a limited number of hard-coded (Spanish) accented character groups implemented about as efficiently as I can manage using a private member in the plugin to cache reusable RegExps and replacement strings for later use by the 'set' method. It would be far better to have a generalized "Unicode normalisation" solution but that's something for another day.
The new plugin also afforded the opportunity to split out part of the code as a separate method, .makepattern
, with the advantage that RegExp-ready patterns can be used externally, outside the plugin, with provision for them to be reinjected. This feature allows us to use the plugin as a resource for achieving the other aim here - namely accent-insensitive filtering - with absolute certainty that the RegExp patterns used (for highlighting and filtering) are identical.
Here's the plugin code :
* jQuery highlightIt plugin
* by Beetroot-Beetroot
* https://stackoverflow.com/users/1142252/beetroot-beetroot
* based on Highlight by Bartek Szopka, 2009
* http://bartaz.github.com/sandbox.js/jquery.highlight.html,
* based on highlight v3 by Johann Burkard
* http://johannburkard.de/blog/programming/javascript/highlight-javascript-text-higlighting-jquery-plugin.html
* Most important changes:
* - Code refactored into jQuery preferred plugin pattern.
* - Now called with :
* - $(slector).highlight('set', words, options); previously $(slector).highlight(words, options);
* - $(slector).highlight('unset', options); previously $(slector).unhighlight(options);
* - $().highlight('makePattern', words, options); This new option returns a RegExp-ready pattern that can be used externally and/or re-injected for reuse (see .isPattern option below), thus avoiding remaking the pattern as might otherwise happen.
* - 'set' .isPattern option; When true, this new option indicates that the 'words' parameter is a prepared RegExp-ready pattern.
* - 'set' .accentInsensitive option; This new option is limited to operating on hard-coded character groups (eg, Spanish accented chars), not Unicode normalized (which would be a better approach but much harder to achieve and probably slower).
* Usage:
* // wrap every occurrance of text 'lorem' in content
* // with <span class='highlight'> (default options)
* $('#content').highlight('set', 'lorem');
* // search for and highlight more terms at once
* // so you can save some time on traversing DOM
* $('#content').highlight(['set', 'lorem', 'ipsum']);
* $('#content').highlight('set', 'lorem ipsum');
* // search only for entire word 'lorem'
* $('#content').highlight('set', 'lorem', { wordsOnly: true });
* // don't ignore case during search of term 'lorem'
* $('#content').highlight('set', 'lorem', { caseSensitive: true });
* // wrap every occurrance of term 'ipsum' in content
* // with <em class='important'>
* $('#content').highlight('set', 'ipsum', { element: 'em', className: 'important' });
* // remove default highlight
* $('#content').highlight('unset');
* // remove custom highlight
* $('#content').highlight('unset', { element: 'em', className: 'important' });
* // get accent-insensitive pattern
* $().highlight('makePattern', { element: 'lorem', {'accentInsensitive':true});
* Copyright (c) 2009 Bartek Szopka
* Licensed under MIT license.
(function($) {
// **********************************// ***** Start: Private Members *****var pluginName = 'highlight';
var accentedForms = [//Spanish accednted chars//Prototype ...//['(c|ç)', '[cç]', '[CÇ]', new RegExp('(c|ç)','g'), new RegExp('(C|Ç)','g')],
['(a|á)', '[aá]'],
['(e|é)', '[eé]'],
['(i|í)', '[ií]'],
['(n|ñ)', '[nñ]'],
['(o|ó)', '[oó]'],
['(u|ú|ü)', '[uúü]']
//To save a lot of hard-coding and a lot of unnecessary repetition every time the "set" method is called, each row of accentedForms is now converted to the format of the prototype row, thus providing reusable RegExps and corresponding replacement strings.//Note that case-sensitivity is established later in the 'set' settings so we prepare separate RegExps for upper and lower case here.
$.each(accentedForms, function(i, af) {
af[2] = af[1].toUpperCase();
af[3] = newRegExp(af[0], 'g');
af[4] = newRegExp(af[0].toUpperCase(), 'g');
var h = function(node, re, settings) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {//text nodevar match = node.data.match(re);
if (match) {
var wordNode = node.splitText(match.index);
$(wordNode).wrap($("<" + settings.element + ">").addClass(settings.className));
} elseif ((node.nodeType === 1 && node.childNodes) && // only element nodes that have children
!/(script|style)/i.test(node.tagName) && // ignore script and style nodes
!(node.tagName === settings.element.toUpperCase() && node.className === settings.className)) { // skip if already highlightedfor (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
i += h(node.childNodes[i], re, settings);
// ***** Fin: Private Members *****// ********************************// *********************************// ***** Start: Public Methods *****var methods = {
//This is a utility method. It returns a string, not jQuery.makePattern: function (words, options) {
var settings = {
'accentInsensitive': false
$.extend(settings, options || {});
if (words.constructor === String) {
words = [words];
words = $.grep(words, function(word, i) {
return word != '';
words = $.map(words, function(word, i) {
return word.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
if (words.length == 0) { return''; };
var pattern = "(" + words.join("|") + ")";
if (settings.accentInsensitive) {
$.each(accentedForms, function(i, af) {
pattern = pattern.replace(af[3], af[1]).replace(af[4], af[2]);
return pattern;
set: function (words, options) {
var settings = {
'className': 'highlight',
'element': 'span',
'caseSensitive': false,
'wordsOnly': false,
'accentInsensitive': false,
'isPattern': false
$.extend(settings, options || {});
var pattern = settings.isPattern ? words : methods.makePattern(words, settings);
if (pattern === '') { returnthis; };
if (settings.wordsOnly) {
pattern = "\\b" + pattern + "\\b";
var flag = settings.caseSensitive ? "" : "i";
var re = newRegExp(pattern, flag);
returnthis.each(function () {
h(this, re, settings);
unset: function (options) {
var settings = {
className: 'highlight',
element: 'span'
}, parent;
$.extend(settings, options || {});
returnthis.find(settings.element + "." + settings.className).each(function () {
parent = this.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(this.firstChild, this);
// ***** Fin: Public Methods *****// *******************************// *****************************// ***** Start: Supervisor *****
$.fn[pluginName] = function( method ) {
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ));
} elseif ( typeof method === 'object' || !method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist in jQuery.' + pluginName );
// ***** Fin: Supervisor *****// ***************************
})( jQuery );
And here's the application code for the language site :
$(function() {
$(".text-input").on('keyup', function(e) {
var disallow = [37, 38, 39, 40];//ignore arrow keysif($.inArray(e.which, disallow) > -1) {
var$group = $(this).closest(".group"),
accent_sensitive = false,
case_sensitive = false,
val = this.value,
pattern = $().highlight('makePattern', val, {
'accentInsensitive': !accent_sensitive,
'caseSensitive': case_sensitive
$trs = $group.find(".myTable tbody tr"),
if(val === '') {
$s = $trs;
else {
$s = $();
$trs.stop(true,true).each(function(i, tr) {
$tr = $(tr);
//if ($tr.text().match(new RegExp(pattern, "i"))) {if ($tr.text().match(new RegExp(pattern, case_sensitive ? '' : "i"))) {
$s = $s.add(tr);
$group.find(".filter-count-tr").text("(" + $s.show().highlight('unset').highlight('set', pattern, {
}).length + ")");
}).on('focus blur', function() {
if (this.defaultValue == this.value) this.value = '';
elseif (this.value == '') this.value = this.defaultValue;
$(".group").each(function() {
$this = $(this);
$this.find(".filter-count-tr").text("(" + $this.find("tbody tr").length + ")");
All tested, so should work if installed properly.
By the way, I used this page as my source for Spanish accented characters.
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