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How To Add Dynamic Validation In Form Using Reactjs

I am using ant design in my demo application. I want to add dynamic validation of mobile number in my application. In my form there two field select field input field I want to

Solution 1:

You need to set rules as per some conditions like so:

 const rules = mobileValidation
    ? [
        { required: true, message: "Please input a number!" },
        { pattern: /^[2-9]{2}\d{8}$/, message: "Please input 10 digit number!" }
    : null;

Since you need only 10 digit number, you need to add ^ at the start and $ at the end of the regex pattern i.e. /^[2-9]{2}\d{8}$/



import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Form, Icon, Input, Button, Select } from "antd";

const { Option } = Select;
const SearchForm = props => {
  const [mobileValidation, setMobileValidation] = useState(false);
  const [isOptionSelected, setIsOptionSelected] = useState(false);

  const { getFieldDecorator, getFieldsError } = props.form;

  const handleSubmit = e => {

    mobileValidation && props.form.validateFields({ force: true });
  const handleChange = value => {
    setMobileValidation(value === "mobile no");
  const rules = mobileValidation
    ? [
        { required: true, message: "Please input a number!" },
        { pattern: /^[2-9]{2}\d{8}$/, message: "Please input 10 digit number!" }
        // { pattern: /^\d{10}$/, message: "Please input 10 digit number!" }
    : null;

  return (
    <div style={{ height: 80, display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-end" }}>
      <Form layout="inline" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
          {getFieldDecorator("searchBy", {
            // initialValue: this.props.transactionEditableMode ? this.props.transactionEditableModeData.from : '',
            rules: [{ required: true, message: "Please select your From!" }]
              style={{ width: 180 }}
              placeholder="Select a option"
                { text: "Caf Nos", value: "cafs" },
                { text: "mobile no", value: "mobile no" }
              ].map(i => {
                return (
                  <Option key={i} value={i.value}>
          {getFieldDecorator("value", {
              style={{ width: 180 }}
              // prefix={<Icon type="user" style={{color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.25)'}}/>}
              placeholder="search a number"
          <Button type="primary" htmlType="submit">

          {!isOptionSelected && <h3>Select an option</h3>}

const WrappedSearchForm = Form.create({ name: "search_form" })(SearchForm);

export default WrappedSearchForm;

Is that what you were looking for? let me know

Side note: Read about validateFields()

Solution 2:

that worked

          {getFieldDecorator("value", {
            rules : mobileValidation ? [
                  { required: true, message: "Please input a number!" },
                  { pattern: /^[2-9]{2}\d{8}$/, message: "Please input 10 digit number!" }] : []
              style={{ width: 180 }}
              // prefix={<Icon type="user" style={{color: 'rgba(0,0,0,.25)'}}/>}
              placeholder="search a number"

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