Unable To Read ReadableStreamBody From Downloaded Blob
I can I check the internal buffer to see if my text data is present? Am I using node.js' Stream.read() correctly? I have a text file as a blob stored on azure-storage. When I downl
Solution 1:
According to your code, I see you were using Azure Storage SDK V10 for JavaScript.
In the npm page of this package @azure/storage-blob
, there is an async function named streamToString
in the sample code which can help you to read the content from readable stream, as below.
// A helper method used to read a Node.js readable stream into string
async function streamToString(readableStream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks = [];
readableStream.on("data", data => {
readableStream.on("end", () => {
readableStream.on("error", reject);
Then, your code will be writen like below.
async function downloadData(){
const textfile = "name.txt"
const containerURL = ContainerURL.fromServiceURL(serviceURL, "batches");
const blockBlobURL = BlockBlobURL.fromContainerURL(containerURL, textfile );
let baseLineImage = await blockBlobURL.download(aborter, 0);
let content = await streamToString(baseLineImage.readableStreamBody);
return content
Hope it helps.
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