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Cannot Read Property 'length' Of Undefined Error In Bot Framework

I am getting the data from axios get request, and moving it to an array xyz. But when I am sending xyz to step.prompt, it is throwing this error: ' [onTurnError]: TypeError: Canno

Solution 1:

For a bot framework to use prompt you could use something like below

Prompt for size validation sample

returnawait stepContext.prompt(
            prompt: 'How many people is the reservation for?',
            retryPrompt: 'How large is your party?',
            validations: { min: 3, max: 8 },

prompt for location selection sample

asyncpromptForLocation(stepContext) {
    // Record the party size information in the current dialog state.
    stepContext.values.size = stepContext.result;

    // Prompt for location.returnawait stepContext.prompt(LOCATION_PROMPT, {
        prompt: 'Please choose a location.',
        retryPrompt: 'Sorry, please choose a location from the list.',
        choices: ['Redmond', 'Bellevue', 'Seattle'],

I am assuming ,your second param should be any array/list , instead you are passing string named "Choose any one" which is why it is giving " Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" as it must be trying to access first or second element of the array and passed param is a string.

The second parameter of the prompt method takes a prompt options object, which has the following properties.

enter image description here

For reference , you can read in details in below doc

Hope it helps.

Solution 2:

for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {
    xyz[i] = `${[i].xzyElement}`;

Try to add any element value into array in the above format.

Then the TypeError will not occur.

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