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How To Extract The Filename Of The URL Of The Current Document Path In JavaScript?

I'm trying to extract the current file name in Javascript without any parameters. $(location).attr('href').match(/([a-zA-Z\-\_0-9]+\.\w+)$/); var current_path = RegExp.$1; if ((cur

Solution 1:

If you're looking for the last item in the path, try this:

var current_path = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop();



will give you something like:


Then the .split() will split the string into an Array, and .pop() will give you the last item in the Array.

Solution 2:

function filename(path){
    path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")+ 1);
    return (path.match(/[^.]+(\.[^?#]+)?/) || [])[0];


// returned value: 'index.html'

Solution 3:

The filename of a URL is everything following the last "/" up to one of the following: 1.) a "?" (beginning of URL query), or 2.) a "#" (beginning of URL fragment), or 3.) the end of the string (if there is no query or fragment).

This tested regex does the trick:


Solution 4:

There is a URL.js library that makes it very easy to work with URLs. I recommend it!


var uri = new URI('');
uri.filename(); // => 'hello.html'

Solution 5:

your regex isn't correct. Instead try to be more specific:



find any number of alphanumeric or hypens[a-zA-Z\-\_0-9]+ before a fullstop that has between 2 and 4 alphabetic characters [a-zA-Z]{2,4} that combefore either the end (\$) or a question mark (\?)

tested on:

var current_path = RegExp.$1;

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