Microsoft Azure CosmostDB Script Explorer Console.log
I am trying to debug a stored procedure or a script written in Microsoft Azure CosmosDB 'Script Explorer' using javascript. I put several console.log() messages so that I could tra
Solution 1:
I've found a getScriptLog method to get the console. Log () statement in the Azure Cosmos DB Stored Proceduce official documentation.
I created a stored procudure in my Azure Cosmos DB Collection as below:
I don't know what language SDK you are currently using, please refer to the Java SDK sample code as below which could also be implemented in other SDKs.
//query exist stored procedure in collection
StoredProcedure createdSproc =documentClient.readStoredProcedure("dbs/" + DATABASE_ID + "/colls/" + COLLECTION_ID +"/sprocs/"+"test", null).getResource();
//print query result
try {
//set Request options
RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions();
//enable script logging true
//execute stored procedure
StoredProcedureResponse spr = documentClient.executeStoredProcedure(createdSproc.getSelfLink(), options,
System.out.println("status code: "+spr.getStatusCode());
//print script log
System.out.println("Scrpit Log: "+ spr.getScriptLog());
System.out.println("Response body: "+spr.getResponseAsString());
} catch (DocumentClientException e) {
Please note that this code is necessary to print console.log:
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