SVG Shapes With Fill, Stroke And Strokewidth
I have a polygon shape with border, stroke-width and fill colors. I am looking for multiple polygon shapes; below is one of them with 4 edges. Out of which 3 edges just have stroke
Solution 1:
A combination of paths and rectangles will likely be what you end up with. I find it easier to fill explicitly because it is easier to manipulate directly with JavaScript if needed.
Here is one solution. I find when working SVG keeping things as simple as possible will make your life much easier.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:se="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:cc="" xmlns:rdf=""
xmlns:inkscape="" width="777" height="480" style="">
<title>my vector image</title> <g class="currentLayer" style="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<rect fill="#4a90d6" stroke="#222222" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" stroke-width="2" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" id="svg_1" x="8" y="8" width="13" height="74" class="selected"/>
<path fill="#4a90d6" fill-opacity="1" stroke="#222222" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="2" stroke-dasharray="none" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" opacity="1" marker-start="" marker-mid="" marker-end="" d="M 20.8456 8.25316 L 87.1747 7.74683" id="svg_5" class="selected"/>
<path fill="#4a90d6" fill-opacity="1" stroke="#222222" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="2" stroke-dasharray="none" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" opacity="1" marker-start="" marker-mid="" marker-end="" d="M 21.0987 81.924 L 119.073 80.4051" id="svg_9" class="selected"/>
<path fill="#4a90d6" fill-opacity="1" stroke="#222222" stroke-opacity="1" stroke-width="2" stroke-dasharray="none" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-dashoffset="" fill-rule="nonzero" opacity="1" marker-start="" marker-mid="" marker-end="" d="M 86.162 6.98734 L 118.061 79.6456" id="svg_14" class="selected"/>
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