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Changing Size Of Rect To Fit Inside Text

I have some text I append to an svg object with D3.js using append('text'). My code looks like this: var countries = svg.append('svg:g') .attr('id', 'countries'); var stat

Solution 1:

You can't do this automatically in SVG -- the dimensions of the text have to be computed and the rectangle added accordingly. Fortunately, this is not too difficult. The basic idea is illustrated in this function:

functionmkBox(g, text) {
  var dim = text.node().getBBox();
  g.insert("rect", "text")
    .attr("x", dim.x)
    .attr("y", dim.y)
    .attr("width", dim.width)
    .attr("height", dim.height);

Given a container and a text element, compute the dimensions of the text element (the text must be set for this to work correctly) and add a rect to the container with those dimensions. If you want to get a bit fancier, you could add another argument that allows you to specify padding so that the text and the border are not immediately next to each other.

Complete demo here.

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