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Ui Responsiveness And Javascript

I have a large set of data to be plotted on google map. Because of the data set size, google map always freezes for a few seconds before all the points are plotted. I used an anima

Solution 1:

Javascript engine executes functions one by one by taking them from sort of a queue. Functions can be put there either by your script or as result of user's actions (event handlers). So idea is to split long-running task into small short-running subtasks and feed them into this 'queue' in the manner so they can be mixed with functions responding to user's action. This can be done by calling window's setTimeout with zero delay and passing your sub-task as a function. Thus you will give a chance for UI event handler to be executed earlier

functionplotSpot(spot) {
    // adding spots to map
var spots = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12];
var plotSpotsBatch;
plotSpotsBatch = function() {
    var spotsInBatch = 10;
    while(spots.length > 0 && spotsInBatch--) {
        var spot = spots.shift();
    if (spots.length > 0) {
        setTimeout(plotSpotsBatch, 0);

Here is extension for Array prototype:

Array.prototype.forEachInBatches = function(batchSize, func) {
    var arr = this;
    var i = 0;
    var doer;
    doer = function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            for (var stopBatch = i + batchSize; i < stopBatch && i < arr.length; i++) {
                func(arr[i], i);
            if (i < arr.length) {
        }, 0);

Usage example (you have to have div with id 'spots' somewhere in document). To see the difference, set batch size equal to number of spots:

var spots = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
    spots.push('{x: ' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 180) + ', y: ' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 180) + '}');
spots.forEachInBatches(10, function(spot, i) {
    document.getElementById('spots').innerHTML += spot + (i < spots.length ? '; ' : '');

Solution 2:

Could you plot them in batches, with a short delay (setTimeout) between each one?

Solution 3:

Javascript might not support multiple threads normally, but you can achieve the effect.

functionspawnThread(func, params){
      (function(f, p){
      )(func, params), 0

The main problem with this method would, of course, be checking on the success of the thread, I assume you could manage this using a global variable or something similar, wouldn't be a great solution, but it would work.

Solution 4:

Similar to what musicfreak said, but doesn't require Gears, is Javascript web workers. This is only implemented in the latest versions of browsers for now though.

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