Split Characters And Numbers From A String To Array Javascript
I have a scenario in which i have to separate the numbers and characters in a single line of string Example const a = '30000kg , 400lbs'; const output_expected = ['30000','kg','400
Solution 1:
try this:
const reg = /([0-9.]+)(?![0-9.])|([a-z]+)(?![a-z])/gi
console.log("30000kg , 400lbs".match(reg)); // --> [ "30000", "kg", "400", "lbs" ]
console.log("30,000kg , 400lbs".match(reg)); // --> [ "30", "000", "kg", "400", "lbs" ]
console.log("30.000kg,400lbs".match(reg)); // --> [ "30.000", "kg", "400", "lbs" ]
console.log("30.000KG.400LBS".match(reg)); // --> [ "30.000", "KG", ".400", "LBS" ]
alternatively, if you want to trim the '.' in case 4
const reg = /(?:[^.]([0-9.]+)(?![0-9.]))|(?:([a-z]+)(?![a-z]))/gi
console.log("30.000KG.400LBS".match(reg)); // --> [ "30.000", "KG", "400", "LBS" ]
Solution 2:
A good opportunity for you to learn something about formal grammars and parsing. Here's an example to get you started:
GRAMMAR = String.raw`
String = a:Item b:(_ "," _ Item)* {
return [a].concat(b.map(i => i.pop()))
Item = n:Number _ u:Unit {
return {n, u}
Number = a:Int b:(Separator? Int)* {
return a + b.map(i => i.pop())
Int = a:[0-9]+ {
return a.join('')
Separator = "," / "."
Unit = "kg" / "KG" / "lbs" / "LBS"
_ = [ \t\n\r]*
`PARSER = PEG.buildParser(GRAMMAR)
test = [
"30000kg , 400lbs",
"30,000kg , 400lbs",
for (t of test)
See https://pegjs.org/ for more info and docs.
Solution 3:
splitWeights = (weights) => {
const weightRegex = newRegExp('(\\d+(?:.|,)?\\d+)(lbs|kg)', 'g');
const matches = [...weights.matchAll(weightRegex)];
const result = [];
matches.forEach(m => {
return result;
console.log(splitWeights("30000kg , 400lbs"));
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