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Xmlhttprequest Timeout / Abort Not Working As Expected?

Here is my AJAX function: /** * Send an AJAX request * * @param url The URL to call (located in the /ajax/ directory) * @param data The data to send (will be serialise

Solution 1:

The problem seems to be that timeout and ontimeout aren't yet part of some implementations:

var hasTimeout = 'timeout'innewXMLHttpRequest(); // false

At least, it's not in Chrome 16 or Firefox 7. And, this should return true given the requirements:

The timeout attribute must return its value. Initially its value must be zero.

Both have been part of the XHR 2 spec since Sept 7, 2010. But, as the "Level 2" spec has been been around since Feb 25, 2008 and is still a "Working Draft," there's not really a guarantee that any implementation would be up-to-date with the spec.

Without those available to you, you can try instead using onabort and setTimeout (as you stated in your comment):

// snip

to = function() {
    if( attempt < 5)
    elseif( !silent) {
        console.log("Request Timeout\nFailed to access "+url);

// snipvar send = function() {
    if( loader && attempt != 0) {
        loader.children[0].firstChild.nodeValue = "Error... retrying...";
        loader.children[1].firstChild.nodeValue = "Attempt "+(attempt+1)+" of 5";
    a = newXMLHttpRequest();"POST","/ajax/"+url,true);
    a.onreadystatechange = rsc;
    setTimeout(function () {     /* vs. a.timeout */if (a.readyState < 4) {
    }, 5000);
    a.onabort = to;              /* vs. a.ontimeout */
    console.log('HTTP Requesting: %s', url);

// snip

Example: -- The ?delay=2 should finish, while the ?delay=10 expires its 5 tries.

Solution 2:

When running your code, I got the error c00c023f. When I googled it, it came up with this answer:

This sounds very similar to what you're experiencing.

Here's a SO question which has the same problems, with a solution (also based on the above link, but with additional information): IE 9 Javascript error c00c023f

Solution 3:

Before aborting the request, try setting

a.onreadystatechange = function() {};

after that, also add a check around calling abort:

if( a.readyState > 0 && a.readyState < 4 ) {

Solution 4:

I had the same problem, it turned out to be the issue with PHP session. If the session is open, all other requests from the same session must wait.

    die("Request completed.");

This, of course, would not help you if you haven't started the session :)

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