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Javascript And Php (

So, in my website, I have a news system which has an option to edit and delete the news the administrator desires. Well, I got the edit part right by using: href='noticiaEditarForm

Solution 1:

This code:

<scriptlanguage="javascript">functionopen_win_editar() { ("noticiaEditarForm.php?id_noticia=<?phpecho$id; ?>", "Editar notícia", "location=1, status=1, scrollbars=1, width=800, height=455");

Is happening outside of the PHP while loop, so the value of $id will be the last value that was set to $id in the loop. So the JavaScript code will always open the same link.

If you need the code within the PHP loop to specify the $id value for the JavaScript, then you can pass it as an argument to the JavaScript function. Something like this:

<scriptlanguage="javascript">functionopen_win_editar(targetID) { ("noticiaEditarForm.php?id_noticia=" + targetID, "Editar notícia", "location=1, status=1, scrollbars=1, width=800, height=455");

So the code rendering the anchor tags in the loop would pass the argument like this:

<ahref=""onClick="open_win_editar(<?phpecho$id; ?>)">Editar</a>

The rendered output would then contain the record-specific $id value on each a tag to be used by the JavaScript code on the client.

Solution 2:

The id of the piece to edit is only updated within the while loop and never outside of it.

To use it as you wish you should use a parameter for the open_with_editar function:

<scriptlanguage="javascript">functionopen_win_editar(id) {
       ("noticiaEditarForm.php?id_noticia="+id, "Editar notícia", "location=1, status=1, scrollbars=1, width=800, height=455");

Now you only have to update the onclick event and hand over teh respective id:

<divclass="noticiasOpcao"><ahref=""onClick="open_win_editar(<?phpecho$id; ?>)">Editar</a>

That should work.

Regards STEFAN

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