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How To Run A Function In Javascript Every Time A Variable Changes?

Is there a way in JavaScript to have something like an event that listens to changes in a variable? so when its value is modified the event triggers and then I can call a function.

Solution 1:

Use and if it is not supported natively look at this implementation: for all browsers?

Solution 2:

I don't think what you ask is possible.

A solution might be to :

  • encapsulate your data into a specific object
  • access that data using a setter method of that object
  • have that setter method both :
    • set the data
    • call your function

But it'll require you to rewrite a bit of your code.

Solution 3:

You could use setInterval to check for its value so many times a second, and save it into a separate variable. You can check each time whether the real variable is different from the other one. In that case, call the function.

It's a dirty trick, though.

Solution 4:

In ECMAScript 5 there are getter/setter properties... Read here:

Non-IE browsers support something similar:

For IE, you'll have to wait for IE9, or use only DOM-bases getters/setters.

Solution 5:

Because JavaScript doesn't universally support setter/getter methods yet, I'd recommend you think about how you set your variables. One technique that would work is:

Array.prototype.setMember = function(index,newValue) {
    alert("I will perform some action here");
    this[index] = newValue;

var myArray = [1,2,3];
// x[0] = 11; // Don't do this any more

I'm personally not a huge fan of adding new methods to base prototypes, but it makes things easier to refactor in the short term.

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