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When Should I Name Things With Initial Capital Letters?

I have always wondered when to use identifiers (for example, functions) with capital first letter instead of camel case. I always write my JS in camel case like this: function doSt

Solution 1:

According to the book "Javascript: the good parts", you should only capitalise the first character of the name of a function when you need to construct the object by "new" keyword.

This is called "the Constructor Invocation Pattern", a way to inherits.

Solution 2:

The convention is to name constructor functions (i.e. functions that will be used with the new keyword) with starting capital.

functionMyType(simpleVar) {
    this.simpleVar = simpleVar;

myObject = newMyType(42);

Solution 3:

The name convention states that class names are named with a first capital letter, I'm not sure how it's like with javascript, which is a prototype based language, but basically it's

classClassNamevar varName

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