String Localization In React Webapp
Solution 1:
For what it's worth react-intl
is very good. I used it on an enterprise level web application this past year, and I couldn't have been happier with it. The maintainers (I believe they are at Yahoo) are very pleasant and responded to any issues I had promptly.
I am not aware of any comparable libraries.
Solution 2:
Before choosing an I18n library you might read this article and this article...
Even if you specifically asked for React, I would recommend anyway looking into a i18n lib that is ready to be used in different frameworks, i.e. i18next. Perhaps your backend needs an i18n lib too? Or in future you want to replace React with something different...?
My experience shows me that i18next was right with "learn once - translate everywhere"
Further you should not only consider that you have to instrument your code (i18n) to get your app/website translated. You should think about the process too - how will you solve continuous localization, how you keep track of progress, etc...
For a modern translation management system you might for example have a look at locize... it plays well with all json or ICU (message-format) based i18n frameworks... and provides a lot more than traditional systems.
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