Show Image From Google Api Place Photo Response
I am working with Meteor.js. I need place photos of google place. I am working with Javascript here. So here is what I've done.'getPlaceDetails',
Solution 1:
I did miss that function of what Sorin Lascu has commented. If someone is doing that in Meteor.js I will provide a complete and easy answer. I created an input field which has Google Maps API autocomplete, and shows the place on a map instantly. You also get all the necessary data you need to show to photos and other details.
I added this package jeremy:geocomplete to my project.
I created a map in HTML like this:
<div class="col s12 m10 l10 push-m1 push-l1"id="google_mapPlace">
{{> googleMap name="mapPlace" options=mapOptions}}
I added an input field in HTML
<input value=""type="text"class="findPlace">
Then in my js file I update my function with autorun.
Template.adminCollections.onRendered(function() {
this.autorun(function () {
if (GoogleMaps.loaded()) {
map: "#google_mapPlace",
nearbySearchKeys: ['photos', 'place_id', 'name', 'geometry']
}).bind("geocode:result", function(event, result){
$('.myimg').attr('src',[0].getUrl({'maxWidth': 500, 'maxHeight': 500}));
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