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Serving High Res Images To Retina Display

how to detect, in a cross-browser compatible way, the pixel density of the device visiting a webpage so that one can either serve standard or highres images without forcing doubled

Solution 1:

Why setting for Retina

iPhone 4s, iPhone 5, iPad3, iPad4, Macbook 15", Macbook 13" all use Retina display.

Android also support high resolution display, as well as Windows 8(Lumia 920) as mentioned by @JamWaffles.

Adding high resolution support is good for user experience but it definitely add load for developer, as well as bandwidth for mobile. Somebody don't suggest doing that.(Peter-Paul Koch, see the bottom "further reading")


There are two methods to implement this function. One is Javascript and the other is CSS. All current solutions are for Retina, but could extend to Android high resolution easily.

CSS solution is about Media Query and -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio or -webkit-device-pixel-ratio

  • Simple to use.
  • Apply to all browsers.
  • Disadvantage: Good for background. Harder for <img> tag

Javascript solution is about window.devicePixelRatio property.

  • Advantage: Javascript could manipulate image source. So, if you are going to serve direct image instead of background, better to use Javascript
  • Could not apply to all browsers but current support is good enough. See below for list.
  • Need a bit more setting.

CSS Solution

For normal images, say an icon

.sample-icon {
    background-image: url("../images/sample-icon.png");
    background-size: 36px36px;

For Retina, add those below

@mediaonly screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), /* Webkit */
    (min-resolution: 192dpi) /* Everyone else */ {
    .sample-icon {
        background-image: url("../images/sample-icon-highres.png");
        background-size: 18px18px;

You can use min-resolution: 2dppx to replace min-resolution: 192dpi, for those who don't want to remember numbers

Note the difference:

  1. Two different icons, one normal, one high res. High res icon is double size than normal one.
  2. The background size. The later is half. But you need test it in your real use.

Resource: + +

Javascript Solution

Use window.devicePixelRatio property to detect resolution.

if (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2) {
  alert("This is a Retina screen");
  //Do something to manipulate image url attribute//for example add `@2x-` before all image urls
Browser Support

Safari, Android WebKit, Chrome 22+ and on Android, Opera Mobile, BlackBerry WebKit, QQ, Palm WebKit, Ref:

For Android

Android device use 1.5 as high resolution instead of 2 in Retina. --#Targeting Device Density with CSS, #Targeting Device Density with JavaScript

Further Good Reading "I’m not a big fan of serving special retina images because it makes the web too heavy — especially over a mobile connection. Nonetheless people will do it." -- Peter-Paul Koch

Update 2013-04-18 Update jQuery mobile link

Solution 2:

I found this:

var retina = window.devicePixelRatio > 1;

this should make retina return true, which you could use an if function to serve the right images.



Solution 3:

You need to be aware of network capabilities, responsive images and resource loading.

So far the javascript solutions are not quiet there as they generally require both resources (images) to be downloaded before the image swap.

Your best bet is background css media queries unless you go with a full solution like this: explained here:

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