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Ifelse Statement With Iframes

I have an iframe and i would like to make an if condition that if the iframe source is equal to a speciefied page a div should show: Example if(getElementById('iframe').src = 'some

Solution 1:

  • = is an assignment
  • == is an equality test
  • === is an equality test without type casting (and is generally prefered to ==

Use ===, not =.

Then you need to reference getElementById correctly. It is a method of the document object, not a global.

Use document.getElementById not getElementById

Then, you'll need to get rid of the trailing . character from your display property.

Then, assuming you want to update this when a link in the frame is followed and not just when a link in the current page is followed, you need to rerun the function periodically to see if it has changed.

setInterval(yourFunctionName, 5000); 

Then, since the page might move away from the URL you are looking for, you need to add an else statement

functionyourFunctionName () {
    var div = document.getElementById('div'); /* Really? Your unique ID for a specific div is 'div'?! */if(document.getElementById('iframe').src === 'someurl'){ = 'block';
    } else { = 'none';


Solution 2:

if(document.getElementById('iframe').src == 'someurl'){
          document.getElementById('yourdiv').style.display = 'block';

use == instead of = you are assign value to the src instead of checking for condition.

use == or ===

Solution 3:

You have error in

if(getElementById('iframe').src = 'someurl')

= is assignment, but you should check condition. Use ==. You can swap condition, to eliminate errors, like this. Here is an example:

if('someurl' == getElementById('iframe').src)

The basick idea is than constant should be left part of comparision. And if you accidentally write assignment instead of comparison, i'll get more clear error.

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