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How To Reset Incresed Value To It's Initial Value In Angularjs

$scope.count = 23; // this is the initial value {{count}} //Here Value will increase And count value ch

Solution 1:

You can store the initial value in a variable and then reuse it. Here's the fiddle




var app=angular.module('app',[]);
    var initialValue=20;
    console.log('Increase value', $scope.initialValue);

Solution 2:

Q1.My question is How do i reset that value to 23 and display ? OR store that value in a variable.

$scope.count = 23;  // this is the initial value<buttonng-click = "count = count + 1"> Increase</button><buttonng-click = "count = 23"> Reset</button>
{{count}}   //Here Value will increase

Q2. Suppose count value increased from 23 to 29 by clicking. And how to get that value 29.

$scope.get =0;
<button ng-click ="get = count">Get</button>

Solution 3:

You should hold a variable in your controller (constant is more appropriate) with which you will reset your count whenever you want.


$scope.initialValue = 23;
$scope.count = $scope.initialValue;

functionresetCounter() {
    $scope.count = $scope.initialValue;


<buttonng-click = "count = count + 1"> Increase </button>


<buttonng-click = "resetCounter()"> Reset </button>

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