How To Create A Simple Angular Js Project In Webstorm
Solution 1:
Not really an answer (have you saved your HTML, why not put your JS code into external files)... but why not create a project with a generator using Yeoman - That will give you a better app structure, build tools, package managers, unit tests... and your IDE should be better equipped for this.
This may help too:
Solution 2:
There is a AngularJs plugin for Webstorm. This will give you autocomletion in html files. See this tutorial how to install it: youtube tutorial
There is even a documentation page form JetBrains which explains how to creat a AngularJs Project: JetBrains Doc
Solution 3:
Found in WebStorm doc
Configure AngularJS as a WebStorm JavaScript library, to let WebStorm recognize AngularJS-specific structures and provide full coding assistance: Open the Settings dialog box, and click JavaScript Libraries. In the Libraries area, click the Add button. In the New Library dialog box that opens, specify the name of the library. Click the Add button add next to the list of library files and choose Attach Files or Attach Directory on the context menu, depending of whether you need separate files or an entire folder. Select the Angular.js or Angular.min.js, or an entire directory in the dialog box that opens. WebStorm returns to the New Library dialog box where the Name read-only field shows the name of the selected files or folder. In the Type field, specify which version you have downloaded and are going to add. If you added Angular.js, choose Debug. This version is helpful in the development environment, especially for debugging. If you added the minified Angular.min.js, choose Release. This version is helpful in the production environment because the file size is significantly smaller.
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