How Do You Remove The Next And Prev Buttons From Virtual Keyboard In Sencha Touch / Phonegap Application
Solution 1:
There is a way!! This guy has done it by making modifications in the AppDelegate.m. You can find description at this link under bonus code section. You can also refer the code for same developed by Kerri Shotts Code Here
Now that the done button is gone i am trying to figure out how to make the keyboard disappear. This will be everybody's next step.
Solution 2:
The previous next are for tabbing to previous or next fields on the page. It has a name and is called "Form Assistant", I think it's default to Safari, and PhoneGap essentially is a wrapper around Safari.
AFAIK , there is no way to remove it. Of course, the previous next buttons get disabled, if there is only one field as it's seems to be in your case
EDIT: As from the new comments, it seems there's a way in the new PhoneGap versions. FYI
Solution 3:
you can try this Plugin Created By don. to show/hide keyboard toolbar.
It worked like charm from my side.
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