How Do I Get All Supported Css Properties In Webkit?
In Firefox, Opera and IE I can get them via: >> for (k in console.log(k) -> opacity background height textAlign . ... long list ...
Solution 1:
The answer is
>> document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(document.body, '') -> CSSStyleDeclaration 0: "background-attachment" 1: "background-clip" 2: "background-color" 3: "background-image" 4: "background-origin" 5: "background-position" 6: "background-repeat" 7: "background-size" 8: "border-bottom-color" 9: "border-bottom-left-radius" ...
Thanks to Anton Byrna for his solution.
One problem still remains: getComputedStyle()
does not return shortcuts like background
and border
Solution 2:
I'm not sure about the Javascript access, but you may look up all supported properties (even the proprietaries) here: CSS property names.
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