Formatting The Phone Number For Multiple Asp:textbox In Javascript
This might be very basic problem. I found the similar solution on Stack Overflow for formatting the phone number and I used it for asp:TextBox control, but I want this code to be w
Solution 1:
I don't remember where I found this solution but, it might help you out to format the phone fields:
<script type="text/javascript">
//Phone validationvar zChar = newArray(' ', '(', ')', '-', '.');
var maxphonelength = 13;
var phonevalue1;
var phonevalue2;
var cursorposition;
functionParseForNumber1(object) {
phonevalue1 = ParseChar(object.value, zChar);
functionParseForNumber2(object) {
phonevalue2 = ParseChar(object.value, zChar);
functionbackspacerUP(object, e) {
if (e) {
e = e
} else {
e = window.event
if (e.which) {
var keycode = e.which
} else {
var keycode = e.keyCode
if (keycode >= 48) {
functionbackspacerDOWN(object, e) {
if (e) {
e = e
} else {
e = window.event
if (e.which) {
var keycode = e.which
} else {
var keycode = e.keyCode
functionGetCursorPosition() {
var t1 = phonevalue1;
var t2 = phonevalue2;
varbool = falsefor (i = 0; i < t1.length; i++) {
if (t1.substring(i, 1) != t2.substring(i, 1)) {
if (!bool) {
cursorposition = i
bool = true
functionValidatePhone(object) {
var p = phonevalue1
p = p.replace(/[^\d]*/gi, "")
if (p.length < 3) {
object.value = p
} elseif (p.length == 3) {
pp = p;
d4 = p.indexOf('(')
d5 = p.indexOf(')')
if (d4 == -1) {
pp = "(" + pp;
if (d5 == -1) {
pp = pp + ")";
object.value = pp;
} elseif (p.length > 3 && p.length < 7) {
p = "(" + p;
l30 = p.length;
p30 = p.substring(0, 4);
p30 = p30 + ")"
p31 = p.substring(4, l30);
pp = p30 + p31;
object.value = pp;
} elseif (p.length >= 7) {
p = "(" + p;
l30 = p.length;
p30 = p.substring(0, 4);
p30 = p30 + ")"
p31 = p.substring(4, l30);
pp = p30 + p31;
l40 = pp.length;
p40 = pp.substring(0, 8);
p40 = p40 + "-"
p41 = pp.substring(8, l40);
ppp = p40 + p41;
object.value = ppp.substring(0, maxphonelength);
if (cursorposition >= 0) {
if (cursorposition == 0) {
cursorposition = 2
} elseif (cursorposition <= 2) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 1
} elseif (cursorposition <= 5) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 2
} elseif (cursorposition == 6) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 2
} elseif (cursorposition == 7) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 4
e1 = object.value.indexOf(')')
e2 = object.value.indexOf('-')
if (e1 > -1 && e2 > -1) {
if (e2 - e1 == 4) {
cursorposition = cursorposition - 1
} elseif (cursorposition < 11) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 3
} elseif (cursorposition == 11) {
cursorposition = cursorposition + 1
} elseif (cursorposition >= 12) {
cursorposition = cursorposition
var txtRange = object.createTextRange();
txtRange.moveStart("character", cursorposition);
txtRange.moveEnd("character", cursorposition - object.value.length);;
functionParseChar(sStr, sChar) {
if (sChar.length == null) {
zChar = newArray(sChar);
else zChar = sChar;
for (i = 0; i < zChar.length; i++) {
sNewStr = "";
var iStart = 0;
var iEnd = sStr.indexOf(sChar[i]);
while (iEnd != -1) {
sNewStr += sStr.substring(iStart, iEnd);
iStart = iEnd + 1;
iEnd = sStr.indexOf(sChar[i], iStart);
sNewStr += sStr.substring(sStr.lastIndexOf(sChar[i]) + 1, sStr.length);
sStr = sNewStr;
return sNewStr;
And call this on your asp:TextBox
<asp:TextBoxMaxLength="14"runat="server"ID="HomePhone"placeholder="(xxx) xxx-xxxx"onkeydown="javascript:backspacerDOWN(this,event);"onkeyup="javascript:backspacerUP(this,event);" />
And If you want to insert space after ')' you can use the following trick
functionmarkSpace(field) {
if (field.value.includes(")")) {
field.value = field.value.split(')').join(') ');
if (field.value.includes(") ")) {
field.value = field.value.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
and call this as onblur="markSpace(this);"
But I personally prefer using JQuery :)
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