Border And Padding Width Javascript
UPDATE: Edited javascript code. It's only slightly off now in some columns. Maybe a pixel or two. Not sure why. I need to get the border and internal padding width of a cell of a t
Solution 1:
If you have this table
<table><tr><tdid="my"style="padding: 5px; border:3px;"></td></tr></table>
you can do
var padding = document.getElementById('my').style.padding;
var border = document.getElementById('my').style.border;
fiddle here
Solution 2:
Try this:
var theDiv = $("#theDiv");
var totalWidth = theDiv.width();
totalWidth += parseInt(theDiv.css("padding-left"), 10) + parseInt(theDiv.css("padding-right"), 10); //Total Padding Width
totalWidth += parseInt(theDiv.css("margin-left"), 10) + parseInt(theDiv.css("margin-right"), 10); //Total Margin Width
totalWidth += parseInt(theDiv.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) + parseInt(theDiv.css("borderRightWidth"), 10); //Total Border Width
Borrowed from this answer.
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