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Adding Jquery Live Search To Dynamic Inputs

I am using the jQuery live search plugin and need to bind it to all instances of a class. My class instances may or may not be dynamic. I know I can accomplish binding it to the dy

Solution 1:

You could use jQuery .on() to bind liveSearch to present (non dynamic) or future elements like :

$("#parentContainer").on("click", ".myClass", function(){
     // options
  }); // liveSearch
}); // on

Notice that you have to apply .on() to the parent container of your selector .myClass and then pass the event, .myClass as descendant selector and the handler.


.on() requires jQuery 1.7+

EDIT (Dec 15, 2012 - 4:13pm PT):

Users of older versions of jQuery should use .delegate() in preference to .live() ... so just tweak your code this way .delegate(selector, eventType, handler) (still applying .delegate() to the parent container) like :

$("#parentContainer").delegate(".myClass", "click", function() {
     // options
  }); // liveSearch
}); // delegate

See new DEMO using .delegate() (requires jQuery v1.4.2+)

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