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Running A Javascript Function Based On Statechange

Following the answer in this stackoverflow question, I am trying to run the following code. But the myfunction takes only one google visualization event. So Is the following code i

Solution 1:

Not really clear from your question, but I assume you're building the SQL query to your database from the selected items in the CategoryPicker. Despite being an EXTREMELY bad/dangerous thing to do (building SQL client side, and sending it to a server), this should be possible by just grabbing the selectedItems from your CategoryPicker, and joining them with " AND ". Like:

values = categoryPicker1.getState().selectedValues;
values = values.concat(categoryPicker2.getState().selectedValues);
var args = { return"'" + _ + "'"; });
console.log(args.join(" AND "));

I wouldn't do this if I were you. I would pass the arguments up to the server, and remap them there (after appropriately filtering them, etc). Again this is very dangerous.

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