Regex And Array: Most Efficient Approach
I want to get all words with <=3 letters from an array. Is iterating the array and checking every entry an efficient approach? arr = ['cat', 'apple', 'window', 'dog']; for(i=0;
Solution 1:
No need to regex, try this:
var arr = ["cat", "apple", "window", "dog"];
varlen = arr.length;
for(len; len<=0; len--){
if(arr[len].length <= 3){
Edit: If you don't want to explicitly define a for-loop and and if statement then try using .filter()
and .match()
var arr = ["cat", "apple", "window", "dog"];
varAcceptedItems = arr.filter(function(item) {
return item.match(/^[a-z]{1,3}$/);
Solution 2:
I assume you want to return words that are even like '1abc' since it has only 3 letters.
The below will work, using filter
function of an array.
arr = ["cat", "apple", "window", "dog", "1acb", "1abcd"];
return anArray.filter(function(v){
return !( /[a-zA-Z]{3}./.exec(v) );
console.log(getLessThanThree(arr)); // logs [ 'cat', 'dog', '1acb' ]
Test it here
Solution 3:
If you want to get items matching something in array you need to iterate it.
Anyway, since ECMA-Script 5 you would refactor your code as follows:
var results = arr.filter(function(item) { return item.lengh <= 3; });
Or in ECMA-Script 6 and above:
var results = arr.filter(item => item.length <= 3);
In terms of productivity, you're going to be faster.
Solution 4:
You're in JavaScript. It can already do this, no regexp required.
var arr = ["cat", "apple", "window", "dog"];
var filtered = arr.filter(function(e) { return e.length <= 3; });
done. Use ES6 for even simpler syntax:
var filtered = arr.filter(e => e.length <= 3);
Solution 5:
Lots of ways to skin this cat, I like:
var arr = ["cat", "apple", "window", "dog"];
var upToThreeLetters = function(word) {
return word.length <= 3;
var filteredArr = arr.filter(upToThreeLetters);
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