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Receiving "invalidstateerror: Dom Exception 11" During Websocket.send

I am getting this error: DOM Invalidate exception 11 From following code but I cannot find the cause. /*This is little bit pseudo stylish coded so might have some syntax errors

Solution 1:

From my experience, this error typically means the server is busy / or that existing websocket connections are blocking, and are not allowing new websocket connections. I'm not familiar with Jetty, but I get the same error with a server consisting of uWSGI+gevent -- which allows at most one websocket connection at any given time -- when a second browser tries to connect before the existing connection is closed, it gets precisely this error.

Solution 2:

Here you have infinite recursive function:

send: function(){
    socket.send("Sent from send function");     //errorthis.send("Sent from send function");       //error <--

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