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Problems With Passing Euro Sign As Url Parameter

I am trying to pass the Euro ( € ) sign as url parameter in my spring jsp. What is the right way to do so ? I tried the following with no avail. Problem is the character is getti

Solution 1:

I'm going to assume you are using Tomcat because that's what I tested with and we get the same result.

What you will want to do is open up your Tomcat servlet.xml file and find the HTTP connector and add the useBodyEncodingForURI attribute with the value true.


Then, you will want to register a CharacterEncodingFilter to set the HttpServletRequest character encoding.

You can read more about this behavior in my answer here:

Solution 2:

You need indeed to encode the € sign which should give %E2%82%AC using UTF-8. You need to be careful with the encoding you use on both ends.

Something like URLEncoder.encode(url, "UTF-8") on the client would do.

If you are using Spring, org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils has also nice utilities you can use.

If the decoding issue is on the server, you need first to make sure that your web container decodes the URI with the proper encoding.

Tomcat decodes URI with ISO-8859-1 by default so you need to update your connector configuration


Solution 3:

See the following answers

I think that org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter should help here. Try it with and without your encodeURI(params)

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