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Issues Using Highcharts Node Export Server From Clojurescript - "0x03 Error When Performing Chart Generation"

I have a clojurescript app on Node.js, and am attempting to use the highcharts export server as a Node.js module in order to generate charts for the purpose of PDF generation. I h

Solution 1:

Your ClojureScript code is not equivalent to the example code in the readme. In the example, killPool is called in the callback function passed into export. In your version, you call killPool immediately after calling export so chart generation likely does not have time to finish. I suspect this is causing the error.

The updated ClojureScript would look like this:

(doto Highcharts(.initPool)
  (.export test-chart (fn [err res]
                        (when err(println "****" err))
                        (.killPool Highcharts))))

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