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How To Use Javascript's Addeventlistener() To Override An Html Form's Default Submit() Behavior

How can I use addEventListener() to assign a handler to an HTML form's Submit button, similar to assignment to the button's 'onclick' attribute, without triggering the form's defau

Solution 1:

You need to receive the event in your handler function, and prevent the event from executing its default behavior. This applies to click events, submit events - really any event that's cancelable.

// using your example
submitButton.addEventListener('click', func, false);

// here's what func should look like    function func(event)
  if ( event.preventDefault ) event.preventDefault();
  event.returnValue = false;
  // do whatever

Solution 2:

Shouldn't the handler be added as event listner for "submit" event?

It makes sense the "click" event handler returning false does not prevent default submit behavior, I think. It makes sense, kind of, that the form gets submitted to both targets.

edit: added second paragraph.

comment: And as Ken says the event listener should be added to the form and not the button.

edit 2: So I was wrong. You shouldn't use "return false;" but something like...

event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;

Solution 3:

EASY WAY: Set the forms onsubmit attribute to return false

<formonsubmit="return false;">

Now if it MUST be done through assigning of an event listener through javascript, then the answer given by Peter Bailey is ideal.

My form validator does exactly what your trying to do. Check out this example

And the code base

You might find it handy.

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