How To Pass Navigator Reference To React Native ?
Using react-native-drawer ( ) in my index.ios.js, I have the following set up and trying to pass 'navigator' reference into content'
Solution 1:
This is how it should be done. You save the navigator reference form renderScene
method define a getter method, pass the method to the component you want.
classpracticeextendsComponent {
renderScene(route, navigator){
this._navigator = navigator
configureScene(route, routeStack){
getNav = () => {
render() {
return (
<NavigatorconfigureScene={this.configureScene}initialRoute={{name: 'Login', component:Login}}
renderScene={(route,navigator) => this.renderScene(route, navigator)}
Solution 2:
I think you are wrong. If you use , should not has the same parent node with .
constDrawer = <Drawercontent={<DrawerPanelnavigator={navigator}/>}
/><NavigatorinitialRoute={{name: 'Drawer', component:Drawer }}
renderScene={(route,navigator) =>
configureScene={(route) => {
return Navigator.SceneConfigs.VerticalDownSwipeJump;
renderScene={(route, navigator) => {
let Component = route.component;
return <Component {...route.params} navigator={navigator} />
}} />
Solution 3:
In update 2, you have done: var navigator = pr.getNav
. This only assigns getNav function to the navigator variable you just defined. So your navigator here is just a reference to the getNav function.
What you need to do is var navigator = pr.getNav()
and then pass the navigator to MadeButton
. Hope is clarify things.
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