How To Make A Json Object Out Of Getallresponseheaders Method
I am currently writing a google chrome extension, and I need to find out information about websites' response headers. In order to do this, I used the getAllResponseHeaders method,
Solution 1:
See The return headers are a crlf delimited string where each line contains key values separated by a colon. You will probably have to adjust the code below to account for whitespace.
var arr = allResponseHeaders.split('\r\n');
var headers = arr.reduce(function (acc, current, i){
var parts = current.split(': ');
acc[parts[0]] = parts[1];
return acc;
}, {});
Solution 2:
I use the following function to extract all response headers as JS object using getAllResponseHeaders()
functiongetResponseHeaderMap(xhr) {
const headers = {};
.map(value => value.split(/: /))
.forEach(keyValue => {
headers[keyValue[0].trim()] = keyValue[1].trim();
return headers;
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