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How To Extend Xmlhttprequest Object In Javascript?

I would like to extend the existing XMLHttpRequest object so that it should work with all the browsers. Now i have been trough with JS inheritance and things however before startin

Solution 1:

Don't do this. XMLHttpRequest is a host object and you should not try to extend it. To quote Kangax:

Next problem with DOM extension is that DOM objects are host objects, and host objects are the worst bunch. By specification (ECMA-262 3rd. ed), host objects are allowed to do things, no other objects can even dream of. To quote relevant section :

Host objects may implement these internal methods with any implementation-dependent behaviour, or it may be that a host object implements only some internal methods and not others.

This also means that host objects may disallow extension by using prototype.

However, as Kangax also advices, you can create a wrapper around XMLHttpRequest and do whatever you like with it.

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