How Apply Custom Jquery Functions To Selectors That Match > 1 Elements
Solution 1:
In your case you can just use this
- it's already a jQuery object matching each of the supplied elements:
jQuery.fn.setReadOnly = function() {
returnthis.prop('readonly', true).css('background-color', '#f0f0f0');
In the more general case where you want to do something explicitly on each DOM element other than call a jQuery function on the entire collection you would do this:
jQuery.fn.myFunc = function() {
returnthis.each(function() {
That's unnecessary in your particular case because the .prop
and .css
calls perform the .each
Solution 2:
You're currently setting explicitly $(this[0])
, which only accesses the first element.
You want to use o = $(this);
Edit: as Alnitak points out, this
will be a jQuery collection, and you could go right ahead to do this.prop(...)
without the extra $()
Solution 3:
Normally, the syntax for applying it to all matched elements is something like this:
jQuery.fn.setReadOnly = function () {
returnthis.each(function () {
$(this).prop("readonly", true).css("background-color", "F0F0F0");
While it's not necessary to use the .each
method on this
to iterate through every matched item, it would be the correct way to use if you ever expanded this plugin to do more and needed to apply things to each element outside of jQuery methods (the prop
and css
Solution 4:
See my upvote: use the this.each - it's better and returns for object chaining.
The 'this' object you're grabbing the first item out of - simply loop that with a:
for(var i = 0, len = this.length; i<len; i++){
var o = $(this[i]);
o.prop('readonly', true)
.css('background-color', '#F0F0F0');
Untested, but i"m pretty sure that works.
Solution 5:
This is how you'd write it
Don't forget to chain.
jQuery.fn.setReadOnly = function () {
// return 'this' for chaining purposesreturnthis.prop("readonly", true)
.css("background-color", "#f0f0f0");
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