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Find After Populate Mongoose

I'm having some trouble querying a document by values matching inside the document after population by mongoose. My schemas are something like this: var EmailSchema = new mongoose.

Solution 1:

@Jason Cust explained it pretty well already - in this situation often the best solution is to alter the schema to prevent querying Users by properties of documents stored in separate collection.

Here's the best solution I can think of that will not force you to do that, though (because you said in the comment that you can't).

  path: 'email',
  match: {
    type: 'Gmail'
}).exec(function(err, users) {
  users = users.filter(function(user) {
    return; // return only users with email matching 'type: "Gmail"' query

What we're doing here is populating only emails matching additional query (match option in .populate() call) - otherwise email field in Users documents will be set to null.

All that's left is .filter on returned users array, like in your original question - only with much simpler, very generic check. As you can see - either the email is there or it isn't.

Solution 2:

Mongoose's populate function doesn't execute directly in Mongo. Instead after the initial find query returns a set a documents, populate will create an array of individual find queries on the referenced collection to execute and then merge the results back into the original documents. So essentially your find query is attempting to use a property of the referenced document (which hasn't been fetched yet and therefore is undefined) to filter the original result set.

In this use case it seems more appropriate to store emails as a subdocument array rather than a separate collection to achieve what you want to do. Also, as a general document store design pattern this is one of the use cases that makes sense to store an array as a subdocument: limited size and very few modifications.

Updating your schema to:

varEmailSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  type: String

varUserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  name: String,
  email: [EmailSchema]

Then the following query should work:

Users.find({'email.type':'Gmail').exec(function(err, users) {

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