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Execute Callback After Modernizr/yepnope Has Loaded All Files

I have a number of test conditions and files to load before I run the follow up scripts on my page. Is there a way to fire a callback after ALL my files are loaded? The following

Solution 1:

Apologies in advance for such a cheap trick but this was the best I could come up with. It could definitely be improved though.

It would probably be fairly straightforward to embed this or extend Modernizr to build in a "finished" event in some way to do this more cleanly.

var completed = []
var complete = function(i) {
  if (completed.length === 3) animationInit();

        test: App.isSmallScreen,
        yep:  '1.js',
        nope: '2.js',
        complete: function() { complete(1); }
        test: App.isTouch,
        yep: '3.js'complete: function() { complete(2); }
        test: Modernizer.csstransitions,
        complete: function() { complete(3); }

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