Dynamic Row Values Wrongly Updated Into Mysql Php
Solution 1:
If you have many rows with same VoucherID_Fk
set data for all this rows. You need have set TariffSlNo
to WHERE condition
$e_tariff = "UPDATE ebvouchertariffs SET
TariffDate = '$e_date',
TariffParticulars = '$e_particulars',
NoOfNights = '$e_noofnights',
TariffRate = '$e_rate',
TariffPrice = '$e_price',
TariffTax = '$e_tax',
TariffNetTotal = '$e_nettotal',
TariffAddTotal = '$e_totalamount',
TariffFinalTotal = '$e_finaltotal',
ModifiedOn = NOW()
TariffSlNo = '$e_slno' AND VoucherID_Fk = '$uid'";
Solution 2:
You are not executing the sql query inside the for loop. when the loop get finished it returns the last query and then execute the last sql query using mysql_query which is outside the loop.
Answer :
Execute "mysql_query($e_tariff)or die(mysql_error());" inside the for loop so that the query will get execute every the loop runs.
if (isset($_POST['submit_val'])) {
for ($_POST['slno'] as$key=>$slno) {
// ....// rest of the code$e_tariff = "UPDATE ebvouchertariffs SET TariffSlNo = '$e_slno', TariffDate = '$e_date', TariffParticulars = '$e_particulars', NoOfNights = '$e_noofnights', TariffRate = '$e_rate', TariffPrice = '$e_price', TariffTax = '$e_tax', TariffNetTotal = '$e_nettotal', TariffAddTotal = '$e_totalamount', TariffFinalTotal = '$e_finaltotal', ModifiedOn = NOW() WHERE VoucherID_Fk = '$uid'";
Hope this helps :-)
Solution 3:
try this code. I have commented where your error is and make it correct.
if(isset($_POST['submit_val'])) {
// $uid = (int)$_POST["edited"]; <-- this will get same id for all records there is no value for"edited" in $_POST so it will update all records.
foreach( $_POST['slno'] as $key=>$slno ) {
$uid = (int)$slno; // <-- Update it by slno this will work.
$e_date = $_POST['date'][$key];
$e_particulars = $_POST['particulars'][$key];
$e_noofnights = $_POST['noofnights'][$key];
$e_rate = $_POST['rate'][$key];
$e_price = $_POST['price'][$key];
$e_tax = $_POST['tax'][$key];
$e_nettotal = $_POST['nettotal'];
$e_totalamount = $_POST['totalamount'];
$e_finaltotal = $_POST['finaltotal'];
$e_slno = mysql_real_escape_string($slno); // <-- here you are doing mistake replace $e_slno by $slno
$e_date = mysql_real_escape_string($e_date);
$e_particualrs = mysql_real_escape_string($e_particulars);
$e_noofnights = mysql_real_escape_string($e_noofnights);
$e_rate = mysql_real_escape_string($e_rate);
$e_price = mysql_real_escape_string($e_price);
$e_tax = mysql_real_escape_string($e_tax);
$e_nettotal = mysql_real_escape_string($e_nettotal);
$e_totalamount = mysql_real_escape_string($e_totalamount);
$e_finaltotal = mysql_real_escape_string($e_finaltotal);
$e_tariff = "UPDATE ebvouchertariffs SET TariffSlNo = '$e_slno', TariffDate = '$e_date', TariffParticulars = '$e_particulars', NoOfNights = '$e_noofnights', TariffRate = '$e_rate', TariffPrice = '$e_price', TariffTax = '$e_tax', TariffNetTotal = '$e_nettotal', TariffAddTotal = '$e_totalamount', TariffFinalTotal = '$e_finaltotal', ModifiedOn = NOW() WHERE TariffSlNo = '$uid'";
Solution 4:
As per your comment: for example if user want to edit a voucher. in that voucher already contains 5 rows. user can edit their row values and if they want add two more rows...
then try this.
first delete the old data and then insert new one.
$deletequery = "delete from `ebvouchertariffs` WHERE VoucherID_Fk = '$uid' ";
and then insert new data.
foreach( $_POST['slno'] as$key=>$slno ) {
$insertquery = "insert into `ebvouchertariffs`.......";
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