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Slide Toggle Automatically Open The First Item?

I have aJQuery accordian using the following JS. function initMenu() { $('#accordion ul').hide(); $('#accordion li a').click( function() { $(this).next().slideToggl

Solution 1:

You can use the gt selector to specify the ul's with an index greater than zero, so every ul except the first.

Demo here

functioninitMenu() {
  $('#accordion ul:gt(0)').hide();
  $('#accordion li a').click(
    function() {
$(document).ready(function() {initMenu();});

Solution 2:

It should be opening automatically, but you can open up accordion pieces programmatically like so:

.accordion( 'activate' , index )

so to open up the first section, you would do


You could put that in your document ready function. Note that a selector can also be used in place of the number, which represents each section from 0 onwards.


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