Possible To Change Names/serialization Output In Jquery? April 18, 2024 Post a Comment So, I have a form that I'm submitting via JQuery/Ajax HTML: Solution 1: I assume you cannot change the name attributes of the form fields (e.g. name="contactfirst_name" to name="contact[first_name]").So if you have to do it on submit, you could put the serialized post data into a variable and then do some searching/replacing to transform it to the way you want. <script> $(function () { $("button").on('click', function () { var formData = $('.emailsignup').serialize(); formData = formData.replace(/contactfirst_name/, 'contact%5Bfirst_name%5D'); // do more replacing for the other fields like the above... $.post("path/to/index.php", formData, function () { // do stuff }); }); }); </script>CopySolution 2: Just save serealized data to local var. Then replace keys with a one you need.Baca JugaGetting The Count Of Unique Values For Elements With Regex In DatatableJqgrid.info_dialog Is Not A Function, Do I Have To Call Extend?Parallel Ajax Calls In Javascript/jqueryvar serialized; serialized = $(".emailsignup").serialize(); serialized = serialized.replace(/contact([^=]+)/, 'contact[$1]'); serialized = encodeURIComponent(serialized); $.post("path/to/index.php", serialized); CopySolution 3: So I feel like an idiot - the issue was that the data was being posted in a serialize fashion. I was able to achieve what I needed by setting ID's to each field and then renaming the names through .setAttribute. I'm sure this is super bulky and could be much more simple/elegant, but hey, I'm learning:functionquoteRequest() { var fName = document.getElementById("fname"); var lName = document.getElementById("lname"); var contactEmail = document.getElementById("email"); var productQty = document.getElementById("qty"); var additionalInfo = document.getElementById("additionalinfo"); var product = document.getElementById("product"); var productnum = document.getElementById("productnum"); fName.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[first_name\]'); lName.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[last_name\]'); contactEmail.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[email\]'); productQty.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[qty\]'); product.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[product\]'); productnum.setAttribute('name', 'contact\[productnum\]'); document.getElementById("quoteform").submit(); } Copy Share You may like these postsConfusion About Node.js Internal Asynchronous I/o MechanismHow To Add A Class To A Cell In SlickgridHow To Refresh A Page Using React-route LinkWhy Href="#" Is High Priority Than Onclick Post a Comment for "Possible To Change Names/serialization Output In Jquery?"
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