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Ng-class-odd Not Working Properly

So, I have this controller $rootScope.nhCount = 0; angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) { $rootScope.nhCount = $rootScope.nhCount + 1; }); my html tr

Solution 1:

ngClassOdd and ngClassEven directives can be applied only within the scope of an ngRepeat.

So you'd have to write something like this:

<ling-repeat="item in items"><spanng-class-odd="'timeline-inverted'"ng-class-even="'timeline'">

Also I am not an Angular expert but something looks wrong with your ng-repeat, 2 colons in a row doesn't quite look right; orderBy:'date':true

Solution 2:

use $even and $odd variable

var app = angular.module("app",[]);

app.controller("MyCtrl" , function($scope){
   $scope.items = [1,2,3,4,5];
  background-color: yellow;
  color : red;
  background-color: green;
  color : red;
<scriptsrc=""></script><divng-app="app"ng-controller="MyCtrl"><ling-repeat="item in items"><spanng-class="{'timeline': $even, 'timeline-inverted': $odd}">

Solution 3:

I think OrderBy filter is messing up the respective ng-class-odd/ng-class-even

use track by

<li ng-repeat="nhCount in| orderBy:'date':true track by $index">

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